Soft-Cover Book Binding

Soft-Cover Book Binding

May 29

Explore the creative process of sewing a softcover book. Working with card stock, text weight paper, thread, and bookbinding tools, participants will learn the measured, creative approach to creating their own small softcover books. This experience focuses on folding and sewing journals to write in at home.

Dates: Wednesday, May 29
Time: 7:00-9:00 PM
Location: Cardinal Gift Shop

This workshop is open to all skill levels. All materials will be provided.

Register here for Soft-Cover Bookbinding

Drooling to make your book/journal with a hand marbled paper cover? Combine this workshop with our Paper Marbling workship on May 22nd for a special price. 

Register here for Marbled Hand-Sewn Journals (Part 1 & 2)


KELLY LAUGHLIN is a bookbinder, writer, and teaching artist based in NYC, and the founder of Odette Press. Her practice is an infusion of walking, meditation, suminagashi, books, paper, lyricism, and creative experiences in nature. 

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